I’ve been feeling a stirring in my soul to get back to my roots as a practitioner and help you on a more individual basis.
I want to serve you in a more personal way.
For years, many of you have been asking if I would be your Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, if I could order and review your lab work or diagnostic panels, or if I would be willing to create a nutrition, supplement, and detox therapy plan to support your individual needs and address root causes.
My answer now…YES, I can!
Here's what the VIP Nutritional Therapy Coaching includes:
Initial 1-Hour Intake Consultation via Zoom
Detailed Health Questionnaire & Nutrient Deficiency Assessment
Food & Mood Journal
Basic Lab Work Ordering & Analysis
11 30-Minute Follow-Up Calls via Zoom
Customized Meal Plan
Personalized Protocol with Ongoing Re-evaluation Analysis
Access to the UNtoxin Method Program
Up to 25% Off Discount on Various Supplements and Natural Tools
I want to help you replace your fear with hope and be a part of your healing journey!
See what others are saying about working with me!

Without you I wouldn’t be here.
You’ve given me the tools and stepping stones. First when I was at my breaking point with daughter. And now with rebuilding me. You held a light while in the tunnel.
Michelle H.

We now support our immune system naturally instead of the mainstream model.
We threw away the processed foods, teflon pans, toxic cleaning and personal products and started using essential oils and cooking from scratch.
You launched us on our wellness journey!
Jodie S.

I have learned about essential oils, collagen, detox baths, probiotics, and nutrition from you. I use these regularly if not, daily.
Your information has helped with disease and inflammation for my family.
Kelsey G.