Have you ever stopped to think if conventional cancer treatment is a crime against humanity?
Here’s what Dr. Raymond Chang, M.D., an internationally respected pioneer in alternative medicine, had to say:
“While scientists win occasional skirmishes in the battle against cancer, the overall war continues to go badly. Stories abound about revolutionary drugs that may be available in the future, but offer no real help to those who have cancer today. At present, conventional approaches continue to rely on a narrowly focused strategy of treatments, with doctors using, at best, only one or two drugs or other therapies at a time.
While this may be acceptable in a laboratory setting or a clinical trial, it has done little to diminish the number of people who die each year from this dread disease. Recently, however, conventional medicine’s core strategy has been re-examined, and a new, potentially more effective approach has emerged ― one that combines the best of Eastern wisdom with Western science.”
So, with that in mind, let me propose this…
Cancer is a symptom of an imbalance in the body, a signal that something has gone awry.
Suppose the check engine light comes on in the car. Would you take it to the mechanic and request that they only turn off the light, without asking them to find the reason the light came on in the first place?
That is a terrible idea because the UNDERLYING problem was never addressed.
Well, this is exactly how Western medicine deals with cancer. The Oncologist, or whom some refer to as the Chemotherapist, detects the cancer, poisons it, and cuts and/or burns it. Then, when the treatment is done and no detectable cancer cells are left, the patient is sent on their way.
Every person actually has cancer cells in their body.
In fact, we all make them daily. However, an unhealthy or sick person is more likely to have those cells become “active” and receive a cancer diagnosis. So, to take an already sick individual, pump their body full of toxic medications, radiation, etc. and NEVER support their body by detoxing, addressing nutritional deficiencies, etc. is CRIMINAL, in my opinion!
Does chemotherapy, radiation and surgery work?
Yes, in many cases it will work and has saved many lives…BUT…the relapse rate of cancer is ever increasing, especially in children. And I believe that this is because doctors “cut, poison and burn,” but NEVER address the underlying cause of why the cancer happened in the first place.
Alternative Approach
Kicker, our now 11 year old son, is a beautiful example of how implementing alternative therapies during conventional treatment can completely change the body’s response to cancer. With the holistic therapies we implemented, he experienced very minimal side effects to the chemotherapy treatment. In fact…
- He only experienced hair loss and a bit of grumpiness here and there.
- His absolute neutrophil count (ANC) always averaged at 4800, and he never experienced neutropenia.
- Except for the day of his diagnoses, he never needed a transfusion.
- Throughout his entire treatment, his hemoglobin averaged at 13.9.
- His platelets never dropped below 300.
- The doctors told us to expect at least 10 hospitalizations during the first year and a half of treatment due to opportunistic infections. However, in his 3.5 years of treatment, this did not occur once.
So, to help you, here are the therapies we implemented alongside of the conventional treatment.
Nutrient Dense, Real Food Diet
We implemented a Ketogenic style diet. This high fat, low carb diet is effective for cancer, as well as, epilepsy, inflammatory diseases, infertility, enhanced athletic performance, weight loss, autism, diabetes and heart disease.
In 1924, Dr. Russell Wilder designed the Ketogenic Diet at the Mayo Clinic. However, despite being highly effective in treating disease, it fell out of fashion due to the surge in pharmaceuticals in the 1940’s. Since then, numerous studies have been done by a variety of physicians and scientist, including, Dr. Otto Warburg, Dr. Thomas Seyfried and Dr. Domininc D’Agostino, proving the power healing ability of Ketosis.
In 1931, Dr. Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize for his research on cancer. He discovered that cancer cells have a fundamentally different energy metabolism compared to healthy cells, and they tend to feed on sugar.
Then, more recently, Dr. Thomas Seyfried confirmed and proved Dr. Warburg’s findings. He specifically acknowledged that…
“When we’re dealing with glucose and [cancer] management, we know from a large number of studies that if respiration of the tumor is ineffective, in order to survive, the cells must use an alternative source of energy, which is fermentation. We know that glucose is the primary fuel for fermentation. Fermentation becomes a primary energy-generating process in the tumor cell. By targeting the fuel for that process, we then have the capability of potentially managing the disease.”
Basically, Dr. Seyfried’s work confirms that sugar, aka. glucose, is the primary fuel for cancer cells. Therefore, removing glucose from the diet and providing an alternate fuel, such as fat, can dramatically reduce the growth rate of cancer.
so, let’s simplify what helps stop the cancer cells from thriving:
- Limit the intake of carbohydrates to non-starchy vegetables and very minimal fruit.
- Increase the intake of healthy fats. For example: organic, pastured meats, pastured eggs, raw dairy products and tropical plants (i.e. avocado, coconut, palm oil)
When a tumor is broken down, it releases dead tumor waste. This is extremely toxic to the body and needs to be eliminated. And yes…our bodies have the ability to naturally detox through urine, waste and sweat. However, when someone is pumping the body full of toxic medications and killing toxic cancer cells, the body’s natural ability to detox is not nearly enough!
Yet…I have never met an Oncologist who advises their patients to detox the dead cancer cells out.
In fact, from my experience in dealing with conventional medicine, there is absolutely NO incorporation of this into a treatment protocol. And is it possible that not detoxing could partially explain why cancer returns?!
I personally believe that one of the most important parts of treating cancer is to detox.
As a holistic nutritionist, I immediately employed my own knowledge and the knowledge from our team of alternative physicians. I put together a protocol outside of conventional treatment. I wanted to best support his body to ensure that he had the strength to fight like a beast. Additionally, I wanted to give him the best quality of life possible after finishing the 3.5 years of treatment!
Here’s 2 of the detox therapies we used…and why I firmly believe he experienced very minimal side effects.
Castor Oil Pack Detox
The Castor Oil Pack is specific for detox. It is very effective in the use of non-cancerous uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts. Other conditions which seem to respond well include headaches, liver disorders, constipation, intestinal disorders, gallbladder inflammation or stones, conditions with poor elimination, nighttime urinary frequency and inflamed joints. However, do not use this therapy during pregnancy, heavy menstrual flow or the presence of internal bleeding.
Epsom Salt/Baking Soda Bath
The sulfates in Epsom Salt help flush toxins and heavy metals from the cells, easing muscle pain and helping the body to eliminate harmful substances. The skin is a highly porous membrane. Therefore, when adding the right minerals to the bathwater, it triggers a process called, reverse osmosis. This actually pulls salt out of the body, along with the harmful toxins. The baking soda also helps ridding the body of chemicals from food, drugs and radiation exposure.
A Crime Against Humanity
As a whole, we cannot accept this conventional treatment as the answer for anyone fighting cancer! We must couple conventional treatment with alternative therapies to address the underlying cause. Plus, we must support the immune system through treatment.
I truly believe that doing THIS will significantly increase the quality and length of life for anyone fighting this fight. It allows them to thrive during treatment, and I won’t accept hearing that one more child or adult has relapsed because it is often something that can be prevented. This ignorance is literally taking lives!
Please don’t get me wrong…I’m so thankful for modern medicine. And as I have mentioned, I believe chemotherapy, surgery and radiation can certainly play a role in cancer treatment. I am also so thankful for our Oncologists, as I believe they desperately want to help their patient’s heal.
However, when I learned that up until recently, the U.S. pharmaceutical companies funded the majority of U.S. medical schools with very little regulation, I was reminded it is up to us to educate and empower ourselves! We must take the initiative to learn about the alternative and complimentary therapies that can be used alongside of conventional medicine in order to truly thrive through cancer!
I completely agree! You have done a great job here in getting the word out.
Thank you Lee!
Absolutely true! The same needs to happen with treatment for Lyme disease for kids, and adults. It makes me crazy that people think chemo is the "cure" for cancer, and that antibiotics are the only way to eradicate Lyme. It takes major lifestyle changes, and healing therapies to overcome these illnesses and stay healthy for life! I get very annoyed when I see bake sales to raise money for cancer research. I know the intentions are good, but sugar is so, so bad, especially when trying to overcome an illness. Thanks for spreading the word, that a nourishing diet it a MAJOR part of complete healing!
There is a foundation in place that does this and sees wonderful results; The MaxLove Foundation. It’s not a crime against humanity, and I cringe at how easily that is thrown around. Doctors don’t ignore how important diet is to a child or anyone on chemotherapy. These doctors you rage against have saved Kicker’s life. Is that not worthy of anything?
Hi Liz, Do you have a child with cancer? I would be so encouraged to hear that your oncologist encourages a healthy diet. The MaxLove Foundation is a great foundation and I know the founders, Audra and Justin. However this is an ‘alternative’ program that is not widely accepted amongst physicians . We have been told over and over, by numerous ONC that diet means NOTHING and that the kids just need to eat what they want, regardless of if it is filled with sugar, etc. Sadly, doctors only receive 1 week of nutrition in all of medical school and residency, so this is not their focus with treatment. If you read more of my posts you would see that I am thankful for western medicine, but I don’t believe it is just the doctors who have saved his life. It is the conventional treatment coupled with the intensive alternative protocol that Kicker follows.
Hi Liz, I’ve been on cancer treatment for almost 2 years and I don’t recall my doctors ever talking about diet, sugars, or detoxing. I found information on that through my own research and things my family/friends have shared with me. They did tell me the importance of drinking water after chemo to flush it out of my system but that’s about it.
Hi Season- this all sounds good! I am so excited about his information! Especially once my son is done with frontline chemo! His is High risk pre b all.
But, how do you explain Cancer? Especially when healthy people get it? I know from reading your blog it rocked your world! It rocked mine! But from everything I have read, they don’t associate bad diet with childhood Cancer.
I realize that we must stay healthy to avoid a relapse, but how can we educate the general public that childhood Cancer happens with no known cause? Especially leukemia — they say it’s radiation, viral or probably genetics? The truth is I feel lucky my son has pre b all– and not the harsher leukemias. But, that diagnosis along with the cytogenics was completely out of our control…. In fact, age, WBC, and MRD on day 29, and cytogenetics play a bigger Part In relapse then any diet could ever do….. It may help in some cases to fight longer– but it’s not a huge part of statistically irradicating Cancer. Also, if poor diet in unhealthy people caused Cancer (since our bodies have and kill Cancer daily) wouldn’t all smokers and obese people have Cancer in much greater numbers?
My son had a terrible viral illness one year prior to diagnosis…. That’s my only guess as to when this abnormal cell took hold. It breaks my heart daily that I currently feel so powerless in so many areas– I have implemented so many things you recommend. God bless– and thank you!
Your description of ur son’s case matchs exactly my nephew’s. Its just that he’s 2 year old. I also suspected his leukemia may have to do with a viral infection he had prior to his leukemia diagnose. Researching into the world of cancer has been exhausting and long. So many conflicted views and uncertainity. I do believe in natural approach but even with natural approach there is very little scintific evidence that supports it and i wonder why. God bless u and i hope he recovers soon.
I’m so glad you’re leading the charge on this topic, Season! I’m a former cancer dietitian, the wife of a childhood cancer survivor, and a real food blogger, and couldn’t agree more with the approach you’ve taken to treat Kicker. I have to honestly say that I hate hearing of people who need to hear your message; but I SO love that it’s there to help them when they do! Keep up the good work!
I am so glad to have found your web page. And, I applaud your efforts to bring these words to the public. I used to work as a dietitian and saw so many people suffer through convential cancer treatments. Plus, I saw close family members suffer. I just had a lump found. 3 agonizing weeks waiting for tests and results. I was discussing alternative therapy ideas if I did have cancer. My family thought I was crazy to even consider other therapies. Who knows I don’t really know what I’d do in the daze of diagnosis. I am not saying people shouldn’t work with their doctor, but I certainly feel that allopathic treatments might not be the answer for every one. So, I will certainly follow you and support your efforts. Thank you.
Appreciate your words, Season, as always. We did try keto with our family but feel that keto is helpful for some, and not for others depending on diagnosis.
Seeing as Dr. Morse and other professionals, who treat terminal cancer patients conventional treatment has dumped and sent home to end their life, recommend an almost all fruit diet and see amazing results this way, we have come to recognize that clean diet is key nonetheless whether it be more plant based or ketogenic. Keto and paleo seemed to cause acidity issues for us.
Appreciate your voice!!
Agreed that conventional cancer treatment has it’s place and it’s time for them to admit that they’ve only got one piece of the wellness puzzle, however small it may be.
Thanks for sharing, Chandler!
yes, cancer treatments from pharma are a scam. yes, doctors know nothing about nutrition. yes, cancer gets eliminated by several substances. however, milk, and dead animal protein is not the answer. all the new findings are establishing this. look up the details of these “protein” sources and cringe. not in the usa, no thanks.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
I am also totally agreed with you. Thanks for sharing the info with us.
it saddens me to hear that conventional cancer treatment has allowed your son to continue to live, yet you continue to bash the drugs that saved your son. i agree homeopathic medicine can complement allopathic medicine; research is being done to change the way we treat pediatric cancer; however in the meantime, allopathic medicine treats the child in the best way with the information currently known; homeopathic medicine may complement allopathic medicine, but please don’t bash the treatments that have allowed your son to continue to live as a healthy little boy
Hi Amber – Thanks for sharing your thoughts and sorry that you received it as bashing. That wasn’t my intent. 🙂
I’m confused about the keto diet alongside daily green juice. Does the juice kick you out of ketosis?
You could always some healthy fat to a green juice or smoothie if you are worried.
This is obviously the ranting of someone who has never had cancer and never known anyone who has had cancer. Cancer isn’t a check engine light, cancer is a naturally occurring disease in all animals. What next, you’re going to claim that the wild animals that get cancer don’t exist because they have all natural diets? The lengths you marketers will go.
What the actual science says is that an improved diet reduces your risk for cancer, but it does not eliminate it… people who never smoked have gotten lung cancer. People who lived healthy lives have gotten cancer. The real cancer are people like you who belittle this horrible disease and turn it into a marketing scheme.