Wednesday, September 18th
12:00 PM PT
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As a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, I understand that each person is bio-chemically unique, and yet, all can greatly benefit from a nutrient dense, properly prepared diet to support good health.
The most defining moment in my life and career was walking my son through a 3.5 year cancer battle. My passion for real health took a huge step forward, as I knew it was a matter of my son’s immediate and long term survival. For the entire duration of his treatment, we watched him thrive and enjoy living life like a normal, healthy little boy, even while taking chemotherapy daily and undergoing countless surgeries.
As a result, it's my goal to educate and empower others on how to eliminate the underlying causes of disease in the body and to support the body where needed through diet, nutritional therapy, lifestyle changes, essential oils and other natural solutions so that they can live their healthiest and fullest life possible!
Season Johnson is the Founder of the KICKcancER Movement and received the WAPF Activist Award in 2014 for her work in supporting pediatric cancer patients through real food and nutritional therapy. Additionally, Season is a Presidential Diamond with doTERRA Essential Oils and is well-versed in using essential oils to enhance the body’s own healing abilities. You can learn more about Season at
From Veronica C.
"It’s amazing to me that I haven’t had to take my 7 year old into the doctor for antibiotics in 1 whole year! This is a big deal because ever since he was 2 he has been getting ear infections and bronchitis 3-4 times a year which has landed him on a strong dose of antibiotics each time.
You taught me to use the immune support blend of OnGuard, Melaleuca, Oregano, Frankincense and Lemon on his feet every single night. I also learned to put Melaleuca on his ear when it seemed to bother him. Since I began doing this, he hasn’t been sick yet.
You have no idea how thankful I am and how exciting it is to have my power back as a mom."
From Melissa M.
"In March of this year, my husband became seriously debilitated with cancer in his spine that Dr's could not properly diagnose for weeks. Shortly after the diagnosis, a PET scan revealed that the Lymphoma had metastasized and was already stage 4. We jumped on board using essential oils during chemotherapy!
We can honestly say that he made it through an aggressive chemotherapy reasonably well, and we wholeheartedly believe that it was because we were able to support his body naturally during chemo.
So, thank you for sharing these tips with the rest of us, thank you, thank you. I found your blog while I was in a desperate search for help. I was a very new Doterra user at the time, and I had no idea if any of this would work, but it couldn't hurt to try (and we were desperate of course!). So we did it, and we are forever grateful for the help."
Samantha H.
"I was told about Wild Orange and Peppermint during the oil class, and I loved it.
I tried adding 2 drops of Lemon to the mix = it's my "day off and I need to clean the house" blend!!
It's so energizing and motivating and puts me in a wonderful mood!
I put it in every diffuser in the morning to keep me from being lazy on my day off!"
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