Terms: Monthly non-refundable payments of $499 / month.** Each renewal payment will be automatically charged to the credit card on file on the date of your original enrollment/purchase. If the card on file is denied or the renewal payment is more than 14 days late, you will be automatically removed from the program and lose access to all of the following:
- License to the Thrive Through Cancer Formula Online Portal with all the step-by-step training videos to successfully help your child improve their ANC, mitigate side effects and reduce hospital stays.
- Access to weekly group coaching calls on Zoom.
- Access to 2x’s weekly group “Office Hours”.
- Access to exclusive invitations to in-person Thrive Through Cancer Formula Meetups.
**If you choose to cancel your subscription, the Season Johnson Support Team must be notified via email at info@seasonjohnson.com 14 days prior to your subscription automatically renewing.
The Program Includes:
EDUCATION: A step-by-step roadmap of the Refuel, Remove, Remodel Process with instruction guides, downloadable ebooks, cheat sheets, shopping lists, how-to videos and recipes. Access to discount codes on products, supplements, etc.
ACCOUNTABILITY AND COMMUNITY: Support with other pediatric cancer families on our weekly calls via zoom!
- Access to weekly 1 hour LIVE Coaching Calls for on-demand coaching from Season, Dr. Charles Penick and other special guest experts in the alternative health field.
- Access to weekly 1 hour LIVE Office Hours, 2 days per week with Season and Dr. Charles Penick to have your questions answered and to receive individualized support.