Over the past month, I’ve spent hours on the phone and in conversations answering questions, speaking truth, encouraging those who are struggling and providing loads of tips and resources in responses to the environmental crisis happening right now. We're definitely in some interesting times! If there’s anything I could say to YOU face-to-face, it would be this…you have the tools you need, and do not let fear creep in! I remember ...
5 Foods That Fight Cancer
I’ve previously shared the horrifying response I received from our son’s Oncologist when asked about what foods our son should or shouldn’t eat during his 3.5 year cancer battle… “Oh, don’t worry about that,” he smirked, “A calorie, is a calorie, is a calorie. We just don’t want him to lose weight. Feed him whatever he feels like. If he wants French fries or a cupcake from the cafeteria, let him have it.” And let me just go ahead ...
Bone Broth as an Alternative Therapy for Cancer
I believe that diet, alongside other therapies, can play an extremely important role in healing the body of cancer. And more specifically, I believe that one of the more important parts of that diet should include bone broth. Let's think for a moment...what if your grandma was right?! Seriously, what if that chicken soup really WAS good for the soul? I know it always made me feel better when I was sick. And to this day, people still ...