“Should I detox?” “How do I detox?” These are two questions I hear often. And honestly, it doesn’t surprise me because the word 'detox' is thrown around so loosely these days. I’ve found that this concept brings about so much confusion and misunderstanding. I even posted on Facebook asking people what came to mind when they heard the word, “detox.” Of the 87 responses, the two most common answers were “alcoholic” and “juice ...
Want to Lose Weight? Take Out the Trash!
Most people start off the new year with a goal…to get into better physical shape or to lose some weight. But let me ask…are you feeling a little apprehensive because you’ve tried dieting and excessive exercise before and you saw little improvement or the improvement was temporary? I can help! Losing weight isn’t just about ditching the Oreos and doing 100 burpees. Yes, it can be helpful, but we must first take a few steps back ...