What do you do when coffee, soda, energy drinks or any of your favorite things no longer give you the stimulation and boost you need? You go to the doctor and explain your brain fog and exhaustion, but they just shrug their shoulders and recommend some pharmaceuticals...but that doesn’t help. Well, if you’re thinking, "There MUST be a solution. There HAS TO BE a way to feel better. This can't be all there is”...you're right! You ...
Steps to Successfully Transition to a Whole Foods Diet: Phase 3 (Meat & Kitchen Tools)
(If you missed the first 2 phases to successfully transition to a whole foods diet, click here for Phase 1, and click here for Phase 2.) Congratulations!! If you’ve been following along with my steps on how to successfully transition to a whole foods diet, then you’ve made it two-thirds of the way through, and you’re now on the home stretch! Most likely, you’re feeling better than ever, and I want you to take a second to acknowledge ...
Steps to Successfully Transition to a Whole Foods Diet: Phase 2 (Sugar & Dairy)
So, how’s it going as you transition you and your family away from the typical American, refined foods diet to a traditional whole foods diet? What have been some of your struggles, questions or successes so far? I’d love to hear, so please share in the comments section below! And if you missed reading about “Phase 1” and where I recommend starting to “transition” to a whole foods diet, then be sure to go back and read the first post ...
My Kid’s Supplement Protocol
When my son, Kicker, was diagnosed with cancer at 3 years old, we immediately locked arms with our team of holistic practitioners, and they put him on a therapeutic protocol complete with supplements and essential oils that benefited his specific needs. In addition to his regular chemotherapy, he probably took 30 supplements a day (in the form of capsules, as well as, liquid) during his 3.5-year treatment, and we didn’t lighten up on this ...
5 Foods That Fight Cancer
I’ve previously shared the horrifying response I received from our son’s Oncologist when asked about what foods our son should or shouldn’t eat during his 3.5 year cancer battle… “Oh, don’t worry about that,” he smirked, “A calorie, is a calorie, is a calorie. We just don’t want him to lose weight. Feed him whatever he feels like. If he wants French fries or a cupcake from the cafeteria, let him have it.” And let me just go ahead ...
What Would You Do If Your Child Was Diagnosed With Cancer?
One week before Thanksgiving, 2013, my almost 3-year-old baby boy stopped walking. He had been complaining of back pain, leg pain and tummy aches off and on for about a month, but we shrugged it off as nothing more than the 'terrible two's." Then, one day he stopped walking...like he literally began crawling and would say his legs hurt too bad to walk. I remember walking into my room, closing the door and calling my friend and ...
How Eating More Fat Will Reduce Your Stress & Improve Your Libido
It should not come as a surprise that the current environment in which most of us live or work is stressful! Whether it is financial stress, the stress of caring for an ill family member, the demands of parenting, or high expectations placed upon us from our work place, we consistently are in a "fight or flight" mode. Ultimately, this contributes to poor physical and mental health. I have always prided myself on handling stress fairly ...