Do you soak your beans before cooking them? Traditionally, people did because when they're soaked for long periods of time, it helps to neutralize the phytic acid and enzyme inhibitors, as well as, break down the "difficult-to-digest complex sugars." Then, the beans are more easily digested and all of the nutrients are more easily absorbed. As you'll see in the recipe below, it's actually quite easy to do. It just involves the extra ...
The Real Cause of Heartburn and Acid Reflux & What to Do About It
Heartburn and acid reflux feel terrible, right?! Seriously...the struggle is real for those who love food but worry about everything they put in their mouth because it could cause one of the most uncomfortable feelings they have ever experienced. So, what do most people do? They run for the TUMS, which may work for a second but doesn't stop heartburn from reappearing again. Some have even chosen to be on a proton pump inhibitor. ...