Hello, my name is Season, and I’m addicted to all things pumpkin. I mean…I’m that girl that at the first sign of September leaves falling heads to the store to buy ALL the pumpkins, starts making ALL the pumpkin things and begins planning our holiday meals around the pumpkin, NOT the turkey! So, to say that I’m addicted to all things pumpkin may…or may not…be an understatement. This recipe, however, may just push you over the edge ...
Healthy Halloween Tips
Is there any possibility that we can skip past October 31st and pretend like Halloween never happened? Call me bahumbug, but it really is my least favorite day of the year! Maybe it's the creepiness, my distaste for dressing up, the extra effort it all requires, or the toxic handfuls of "treats" passed out to small children. Either way, now that I do have young children and they think Halloween is fun, I have no choice. If you know ...