I recently read over some of my old journals that I wrote during Kicker’s treatment...amazing how it not only feels like it was yesterday, but how I vividly remember what things looked like for our family! And because I’ve experienced the “hard” being harder than I could have ever imagined, I wanted to share some hope to those of you reading this who are either going through cancer or any sort of life trial. It’s not pretty, and yes, ...
3 Tips to Have a Thriving Marriage
Having a healthy marriage is something I'm passionate about...and work on daily. One of the biggest lessons I continue to learn, even 15 years into my own marriage, is that in order to enjoy a healthy, thriving marriage, the most important thing we can do in our relationship is keep God at the center. I've followed Jennifer Smith of UnveiledWife.com for quite some time and have gained so much helpful insight and practical tips on how to ...
The Importance of Sex and Going to War in Your Marriage
At this very moment, I’m sitting on the couch, and Josh, my husband, is fully consumed by some violent war movie. He’s currently wearing his long johns with one hand on the remote control and the other hand holding onto his business…like it’s going to run away. Seriously, Guys…why IN THE WORLD do you ALWAYS HAVE TO HOLD IT?!?! I mean, as far as I know, it can’t detach itself or run away. Anyways…sorry for the super illustrative ...