Every week I meal prep! I chop up raw veggies for snacks, make my sourdough bread, whip up a batch of my ranch dressing and make the below coconut milk recipe. Then, as we jump into our filled and committed weeks, we're still ready...even when this mama is tired. This coconut milk is literally the easiest thing to make, and it's perfect for those that cannot handle dairy, or even raw milk. We especially love it with my grain-free ...
Delicious Dairy-Free Ice Cream Recipes
There’s really nothing better than a bowl of ice cream in the summer. Am I right?! Or are you a cone person? Well, I’m going to be really honest with you…if I chose to indulge in an ice cream treat, I’d be in the bathroom for the rest of the day! In fact, if you’re lactose intolerant, ice cream is one of the worst things you can eat! Then again, if you’re lactose intolerant, you probably already know this because you’ve experienced ...
Raw Milk Baby Formula
Today, commercial baby formula is none other than toxic! And because the first five years of a child's life are the most important to the future of their health, do you really want to begin a child's life with this: I mean...what the HELL are those words?! Well, those are the ingredients of Similac Sensitive Powdered Formula for infants. Similac is the number one commercial baby formula brand that US hospitals use...and ...
Grain-Free Granola
Until recently, my sweet Selah had never had cereal in her short little life. Well, the other day we were out of eggs, so I just broke up a granola bar into pieces and poured milk in the bowl to serve for breakfast. Immediately, I hear..."MAMA, THIS IS COLD! WHAT'S IN MY MILK?!" Seriously, she flipped! And even though she loved it after I convinced her to give it a try, I think my little girl will always prefer her warm breakfasts of ...
Is Raw Milk Safe?
"Is Raw Milk Safe?" This is one of the most common question I receive from clients and friends, especially when I would talk about giving Kicker raw kefir, raw milk, raw butter and raw cheese during his cancer treatment. Our Oncologist even made sure to tell us, "No raw dairy, whatsoever!" But guess what I did?! I stood up, loudly cleared my throat, put on my super smart, sexy, reading glasses, whipped out my PowerPoint presentation ...