Over the past month, I’ve spent hours on the phone and in conversations answering questions, speaking truth, encouraging those who are struggling and providing loads of tips and resources in responses to the environmental crisis happening right now. We're definitely in some interesting times! If there’s anything I could say to YOU face-to-face, it would be this…you have the tools you need, and do not let fear creep in! I remember ...
How to Support Focus and Improve Your Energy Using Supplements
Is your ability to focus and maintain your energy like the song from Toby Keith..."I'm not as good as I once was'? As you get older, you notice that you feel like the same person, but your body...well, it disagrees. Am I right? I’ve heard variations of this “story” from so many people, which is why I’m writing this 3-part series to give you my best strategies on how you CAN be as good as you one were! Click here to read part 1 about ...
How to Support Focus and Improve Your Energy Using Nutrition
What do you do when coffee, soda, energy drinks or any of your favorite things no longer give you the stimulation and boost you need? You go to the doctor and explain your brain fog and exhaustion, but they just shrug their shoulders and recommend some pharmaceuticals...but that doesn’t help. Well, if you’re thinking, "There MUST be a solution. There HAS TO BE a way to feel better. This can't be all there is”...you're right! You ...
3 Ways To Improve Your Fertility Health
Infertility is certainly something you’ve heard about. Perhaps you’ve struggled with it or have even walked a friend through the heartbreak. I’ve also shared here about some of the ways you can help. However, in light of so many questions, comments and the many emails I’ve received about preparing for pregnancy, I asked my dear friend and fertility expert, Justine Campbell, to share. Justine’s not only experienced in working with clients ...
My Kid’s Supplement Protocol
When my son, Kicker, was diagnosed with cancer at 3 years old, we immediately locked arms with our team of holistic practitioners, and they put him on a therapeutic protocol complete with supplements and essential oils that benefited his specific needs. In addition to his regular chemotherapy, he probably took 30 supplements a day (in the form of capsules, as well as, liquid) during his 3.5-year treatment, and we didn’t lighten up on this ...
Is Conventional Cancer Treatment a Crime Against Humanity?
DOWNLOAD MY FREE "25 TIPS TO FIGHT CANCER" Have you ever stopped to think if conventional cancer treatment is a crime against humanity? Here's what Dr. Raymond Chang, M.D., an internationally respected pioneer in alternative medicine, had to say: "While scientists win occasional skirmishes in the battle against cancer, the overall war continues to go badly. Stories abound about revolutionary drugs that may be available in the ...
Is Raw Milk Safe?
"Is Raw Milk Safe?" This is one of the most common question I receive from clients and friends, especially when I would talk about giving Kicker raw kefir, raw milk, raw butter and raw cheese during his cancer treatment. Our Oncologist even made sure to tell us, "No raw dairy, whatsoever!" But guess what I did?! I stood up, loudly cleared my throat, put on my super smart, sexy, reading glasses, whipped out my PowerPoint presentation ...