One week before Thanksgiving, 2013, my almost 3-year-old baby boy stopped walking. He had been complaining of back pain, leg pain and tummy aches off and on for about a month, but we shrugged it off as nothing more than the 'terrible two's." Then, one day he stopped he literally began crawling and would say his legs hurt too bad to walk. I remember walking into my room, closing the door and calling my friend and ...
A Glimpse Into the Graphic Reality of Childhood Cancer
I read something yesterday that said, "What if you woke up tomorrow and all that was left was what you had actually thanked the Lord for?" made me think that even though I have so many things in my reality to be thankful for, I need to spend more time actually thanking God and less time yelling at Him. Today was one of those days. I was reminded again of the reality we are actually in, and this time, it hit me quick! ...