Hormones can be a challenge! In fact, there are days where hormones can ruin your life. I know that might sound a bit dramatic, but if you’re experiencing several of these all at the same time, things can be understandably difficult: Painful, heavy, or irregular periods Hot flashes/Night sweats Mood swings/Irritability Depression/Anxiety Bloating/Weight gain Breast tenderness Low libido Vaginal dryness/Atrophy ...
How to Use a Nebulizer to Improve Respiratory Health & Detoxification
I began using a nebulizer when Kicker started going through cancer treatment. We used it to help support his body's ability to detoxify and to minimize any bacteria that could possibly build up in the lungs. In case you didn't know, when a child receives chemotherapy, doctors are concerned with the potential development of parasites in the lungs. This is one of the reasons why they put children on antibiotics. However, we decided to take ...
11 Tips to Support Your Immune System During an Environmental Crisis
Over the past month, I’ve spent hours on the phone and in conversations answering questions, speaking truth, encouraging those who are struggling and providing loads of tips and resources in responses to the environmental crisis happening right now. We're definitely in some interesting times! If there’s anything I could say to YOU face-to-face, it would be this…you have the tools you need, and do not let fear creep in! I remember ...
How to Support Focus and Improve Your Energy Using Essential Oils
Today, I’m finishing up the last of the 3-part series on how you can naturally improve your focus and energy levels. In Part 1, I shared about the importance of nutrition as a solid foundation, and in Part 2, I focused on the best supplements you can use to help build and expand on that foundation. So, let’s put the cherry on the top of this series and focus on essential oils. Now, you guys know I’m a passionate person. I love me ...
How to Support Focus and Improve Your Energy Using Nutrition
What do you do when coffee, soda, energy drinks or any of your favorite things no longer give you the stimulation and boost you need? You go to the doctor and explain your brain fog and exhaustion, but they just shrug their shoulders and recommend some pharmaceuticals...but that doesn’t help. Well, if you’re thinking, "There MUST be a solution. There HAS TO BE a way to feel better. This can't be all there is”...you're right! You ...
Should You Take Your Allergies Seriously?
My dear friend and mentor, Pamala, isn’t new around here. In fact, she's shared on my blog a couple of times, and ever since she brought essential oils into our hospital room the very day that my son was diagnosed with cancer, she's locked arms with us in our journey to help heal our son. One of the valuable lessons I learned from her early in Kicker's diagnosis was the importance of eliminating any food allergies so that his body could ...
Want Your Partner to Support You and Your Healthy Living Choices?
Let me ask… Do you get an eye roll or the “whatever” from your spouse or partner when you make suggestions about a healthy food option? Have you ever been in an argument over what your partner or you are feeding the kids? Or…Do you get the “Oh geez, how much did this cost?” When you come home from the grocery store with organic grass-fed meat and organic produce? Well, you, my sweet friend, are not alone! I’ve been there ...