In 1821, the average person consumed 10 lbs. of sugar a year. By 2005, the average person was consuming 199 lbs. Am I the only one who thinks that’s insane?! Don’t get me wrong…not all sugar is bad. However, most of the sugar options available can be detrimental to your health. So, let’s talk about one of the most harmful sweeteners used in many of the products that we’re consuming on a daily basis. In fact, this toxic ingredient is ...
7 Ways to Detox Your Home
It isn’t new science that the majority of all cancer diagnoses are due to environmental toxins and exposures. I even remember learning when my son, Kicker, was diagnosed with Leukemia, that Benzene, a common household toxin, was directly linked to Leukemia! WHAT? Benzene is found in plastics, dyes, detergents and pesticides?! In fact, did you know that the average home contains between 500-1000 toxic chemicals? Many of which you can’t ...
Is Conventional Cancer Treatment a Crime Against Humanity?
DOWNLOAD MY FREE "25 TIPS TO FIGHT CANCER" Have you ever stopped to think if conventional cancer treatment is a crime against humanity? Here's what Dr. Raymond Chang, M.D., an internationally respected pioneer in alternative medicine, had to say: "While scientists win occasional skirmishes in the battle against cancer, the overall war continues to go badly. Stories abound about revolutionary drugs that may be available in the ...