Let me ask…
- Do you get an eye roll or the “whatever” from your spouse or partner when you make suggestions about a healthy food option?
- Have you ever been in an argument over what your partner or you are feeding the kids?
- Or…Do you get the “Oh geez, how much did this cost?” When you come home from the grocery store with organic grass-fed meat and organic produce?
Well, you, my sweet friend, are not alone!
I’ve been there too, and it can be so frustrating! However, let me tell you something…
Be patient and give grace.
I’ve said it so many times…When you know better, you do better…and here’s the deal, YOU do know better, so YOU are doing better. However, at this moment, your partner is just taking your word for it, so they don’t actually “know better.” So, why in the world would they “do better”?
I know, you may be thinking…Well yeah, but shouldn’t they just trust me and support what I want to do?
Yes…in a perfect world with a perfect partner.
However, perfect doesn’t exist.
In fact, here’s some of the thoughts that might be going through their head and what might be dictating their apprehension about trusting you or taking your advice in the health food department:
- It costs more to purchase organic food.
- It’s boring to eat healthy.
- It takes too long to make healthy food.
- I don’t like vegetables.
- What about my Cheetos?
- I can’t live on salads and beet juice.
- We won’t be able to go out to eat anymore.
- I like spoiling my kids with treats.
- I’ve been eating this way my whole life, and I’m fine.
Sound familiar?
To help, here’s my rebuttal to each of those thoughts.
But as a word of advice…only share these when the time is right and with a kind and gracious posture!
- It costs more to purchase organic food. – You can actually spend the same amount or even less than you’re spending now, as long as you minimize the amount of packaged foods you’re buying.
- It’s boring to eat healthy. – Do you think steak is boring? What about bacon and eggs?
- It takes too long to make healthy food. – Let’s throw some meat on the grill, steam up some veggies and bake a sweet potato. Dinner will be served within 30 minutes with only about 10 minutes of actual effort.
- I don’t like vegetables. – Too bad…you aren’t 3.
- What about my Cheetos? – Have you heard of Luke’s Organic version?
- I can’t live on salads and beet juice. – No one should have to suffer through such a travesty! Eating healthy is all about lots of healthy fats, good sources of protein and veggies and fruit.
- We won’t be able to go out to eat anymore. – You sure can! It’s just about ordering healthier options at restaurants.
- I like spoiling my kids with treats. – We can find healthy options of their favorite treats.
- I’ve been eating this way my whole life, and I’m fine. – The rebuttal to this could take up an entire blog post on its own, but in the meantime, think about this…The food you eat can either be the healthiest form of medicine or the most dangerous form of poison.
My Husband’s Journey in Supporting Our Healthy Living Choices
I know I talk a lot about my son, Kicker, and his fight with cancer. However, did you know that my adopted daughter, Selah, was born in a very compromised environment?
At the time, my husband had just left for a six-month live-in at the academy, and he was only able to come home on the weekends. Therefore, my sister, who had been studying with one of San Diego’s leading holistic nutritionists, moved in with me while my husband was away.
So, when our daughter arrived, my sister and I stepped down the path of healing our sweet girl and giving her the best life possible, and when my husband would come home, he had lots of questions about where his “preferred” food went…aka. Cheetos and Swedish Fish.
But here’s the difference…my husband didn’t have the time or energy to research for himself what we were doing, and it wasn’t the first or the last time that he chose to trust me. In fact, he said multiple times that he wasn’t in the position to argue while being uneducated on the topic.
Did he keep me accountable and ask questions? Yes!
Did he get irritated with the changes? Yes!
Did he…does he…want the best life for the kids and me? Absolutely!
Should we all consider educating ourselves before we make decisions? Yes, 100%!
So, here’s some of my husband’s favorite resources where he continues to enjoy learning about healthy habits and nutrition:
- Dr. Axe Website
- Ben Greenfield Podcast
- Jordan Peterson
- Bullet Proof Podcast
And as a final word from my partner to yours…Don’t make decisions about your health and life until you educate yourself!
Have you struggled in the past with getting your partner onboard with a healthier lifestyle? If so, what are some things that have helped? I’d love for you to share below!
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I have been on this quest for ‘healthier food in my house’ for awhile. Problem is…my husband is the main chef AND grocery store shopper…and he can be ‘cheap’ when he’s shopping (always likes a good bargain). So I’ve tried to graciously explain the benefits of organic, pasture raised, grain-fed, etc. Here’s a recent victory! After we had yet another argument about the expense of grain-fed AND he did some research and was convinced, I suggested he look into us purchasing a part of a grain-fed cow. Guess what…we did just that!!! We purchased half of a grain-fed cow in January and found that the cost/pound was very reasonable. AND he’s really happy with our decision. So, slowly but surely, we’re getting healthier food in this house. It’s worth the effort…a good journey.
Oh, I love this, Marnelle! Thanks so much for sharing! One step, one change and one conversation at a time, right?! 🙂