When my son, Kicker, was first diagnosed with Leukemia, I researched for hours and hours. I wanted to figure out why my baby had cancer. One of the most common findings that kept coming up was excessive exposure to EMFs. I know we may never know the EXACT reason or cause behind his cancer. However, I do know that more and more research points directly to a correlation between childhood Leukemia and EMFs. I had the privilege of meeting ...
What Makes Yarrow|Pom Essential Oil So Powerful?
Yarrow|Pom is one of doTERRA’s newly released essential oils, and it has some incredibly powerful benefits, including: Supports the immune system Regulates inflammation in the body Supports healthy hormones, skin and cardiovascular health So, for last 3 months, I’ve been taking 3 drops in a veggie capsule every morning, as well as, applying it topically to my skin with my moisturizer every evening. Here’s what I’ve noticed: ...
My Morning Essential Oil Routine
When my family and I first started using essential oils, I had no idea that they did more than just help with symptoms from sickness. I had a basic knowledge of how they could support our immune system, but we mostly used them for headaches, tummy aches and the common cold. However, a few years later and after a lot of research and a million bottles used…ok maybe that’s a bit of an exaggeration…I can’t even believe the power that these ...