We’re coming in hot to another school year, and I don’t know about you, but I have all the feelings about this. I’m sad that summer is coming to an end, but I always appreciate getting back into routine and schedules. I’m also not mad about the fact that I won’t hear both of my kids telling me they’re “HUNGRY AGAIN, MOM” 48 times a day. As I think about going back to school…and hungry kids…I realize that packing lunches can be a tedious ...
Cancer and EMFs – How to Clean Up Dirty Electricity
When my son, Kicker, was first diagnosed with Leukemia, I researched for hours and hours. I wanted to figure out why my baby had cancer. One of the most common findings that kept coming up was excessive exposure to EMFs. I know we may never know the EXACT reason or cause behind his cancer. However, I do know that more and more research points directly to a correlation between childhood Leukemia and EMFs. I had the privilege of meeting ...
35 Ideas to Help Relieve Your Stress
Stress...we all deal with it, right?! In fact, you might just think that stress is simply a “normal part” of daily life. But check out these stats... 43% of all adults suffer adverse health effects from stress. 75% to 90% of all doctor’s office visits are for stress-related ailments and complaints Um, this “normal”...and the fact that so much stress can lead to chronic diseases like mental illness, digestive disorders, heart ...
Healthy Condiment Recipes
When cleaning up your diet, one of the last places people address is condiments, dressings or any sort of sauces you add to your meal. But here’s the deal...most of the store-bought options are made with sugar, high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, additives, preservatives, food coloring and soy. Basically, they can throw the healthiest of meals right out the door! So, today, I’m going to share with you 3 of my favorite ...
Health Benefits of Sea Salt
Have you been told, "Salt isn’t good for your health?" If so, is it really true? Well, let’s see… Your body needs water in order to ensure life. Dr. F. Batmanghelidj MD, the author of "Your Body's Many Cries for Water: You’re Not Sick, You're Thirsty!" not only explained that salt has many other important functions than just regulating the water content of the body, but he also shared these invaluable benefits: Salt is not ...
How to Use Essential Oils and Supplements to Improve Your Digestion
Do you struggle with digestion and gut issues? I don’t think I’ve ever been more thankful for an essential oil, then when tummy troubles hit our house. DigestZen Essential Oil has made such a huge difference for our family because it works so incredibly fast…and by fast, I mean, my son can wake up with a bellyache, put 2 drops of DigestZen Essential Oil over his belly button with a tiny bit of coconut oil and literally be up and running ...
Steps to Successfully Transition to a Whole Foods Diet: Phase 3 (Meat & Kitchen Tools)
(If you missed the first 2 phases to successfully transition to a whole foods diet, click here for Phase 1, and click here for Phase 2.) Congratulations!! If you’ve been following along with my steps on how to successfully transition to a whole foods diet, then you’ve made it two-thirds of the way through, and you’re now on the home stretch! Most likely, you’re feeling better than ever, and I want you to take a second to acknowledge ...