So, how’s it going as you transition you and your family away from the typical American, refined foods diet to a traditional whole foods diet? What have been some of your struggles, questions or successes so far? I’d love to hear, so please share in the comments section below! And if you missed reading about “Phase 1” and where I recommend starting to “transition” to a whole foods diet, then be sure to go back and read the first post ...
Steps to Successfully Transition to a Whole Foods Diet: Phase 1 (Fats & Grains)
Have you ever thought about transitioning you and your family from the typical American, refined foods diet to a traditional whole foods diet? The benefits of a whole foods diet are undisputed by the informed scientific community! And while faddish foods within the “health industry” will come and go, traditional whole foods have stood the test of time. So, I’m going to equip you with a workable schedule which will allow you to ...
3 Tips to Have a Thriving Marriage
Having a healthy marriage is something I'm passionate about...and work on daily. One of the biggest lessons I continue to learn, even 15 years into my own marriage, is that in order to enjoy a healthy, thriving marriage, the most important thing we can do in our relationship is keep God at the center. I've followed Jennifer Smith of for quite some time and have gained so much helpful insight and practical tips on how to ...
How to Get Rid of Cellulite
Want to know how you can get rid of cellulite? It’s easy…dry skin brushing! I know, I know…we’re best friends now because you probably thought I was going to tell you to live on lettuce and water for the next 30 years :) But let me explain exactly what dry brushing does and how it helps with detox and reducing cellulite. First, it’s important to understand the role of your skin, especially in relation to the absorption of toxins and ...
Delicious Dairy-Free Ice Cream Recipes
There’s really nothing better than a bowl of ice cream in the summer. Am I right?! Or are you a cone person? Well, I’m going to be really honest with you…if I chose to indulge in an ice cream treat, I’d be in the bathroom for the rest of the day! In fact, if you’re lactose intolerant, ice cream is one of the worst things you can eat! Then again, if you’re lactose intolerant, you probably already know this because you’ve experienced ...
5 Foods You Shouldn’t Eat When Fighting Cancer
I love this quote by Dr. Mark Hyman…“Food has the power to heal us. It is the most potent tool we have to help prevent and treat many of our chronic diseases.” Now, keeping in that in mind, let me ask you…if you owned a Ferrari, would you fill it up with unleaded gasoline? Heck, no! That Ferrari is an intricately made, very expensive and high-powered machine. You’d only use the premium fuel…well, if you want it to last, that ...
Winning the Cancer Battle One Day at a Time
It's rare that my sweet husband, Josh, shares his heart and thoughts publicly. I'm usually the only one who benefits from his wisdom and advice. However, after a series of bribes and possibly begging, he publicly shares his perspective on what it was like to walk through cancer with our son to try and offer hope and guidance to other dads or partners also navigating this crazy hard journey. I cried when I read it because I not only ...