One week before Thanksgiving, 2013, my almost 3-year-old baby boy stopped walking. He had been complaining of back pain, leg pain and tummy aches off and on for about a month, but we shrugged it off as nothing more than the ‘terrible two’s.”
Then, one day he stopped walking…like he literally began crawling and would say his legs hurt too bad to walk. I remember walking into my room, closing the door and calling my friend and mentor, Kim. As soon as she answered the phone, I lost it. And through tears, I shared my serious fears.
Fast forward 1 week…we sat in the Loma Linda Emergency Room. and the ER nurse informed us that we were being transferring to the Pediatric Oncology Floor. I will never forget my husband’s blank stare and question, “What’s the Oncology floor?”
Imagine that your job is cancer prevention.
You would spend your days educating on the importance of diet and detox. Most likely, you would teach mothers how to care for their young children, how to keep them healthy and how to avoid unnecessary pharmaceuticals. And you would probably speak to large groups of people on how to prevent disease.
But then…your own baby gets cancer.
You can imagine the shock, the devastation, the questioning and the doubt! I had never felt so helpless in my entire life. I didn’t have an answer, I didn’t know what to do, I didn’t know what my son needed, and I didn’t know what to give or feed him. Instead, I just watched as his precious body was pumped with the toxic drugs intended to kill the disease.
So, what would you do? Honestly, what would you do if your child was diagnosed with cancer?
Would you crawl into a ball and rock yourself to sleep, praying that you would wake up from this nightmare? How about begging and pleading for Jesus to give the disease to you and free your child? Or would you completely shut down and just sit helplessly with a blank stare next to your son’s bed while nurses came in with bags of poison to inject into your child’s veins?
Well, I did all of the above for the first 3 weeks of his diagnosis. However, as I slowly regained consciousness and began to stand again, I found a strength that can only be credited to the Lord. Then, I did what any other mother would do….I went into beast mode.
I began implementing a strict, nutrient-dense diet and a rigorous detox protocol, along with following the instructions from numerous alternative practitioners, to support my son’s immune system. And as a result, our physicians, nurses, and other cancer families noticed the difference and were in awe of how incredibly well Kicker was doing.
Seriously, he was literally thriving during conventional cancer treatment…he wasn’t throwing up, he wasn’t getting mouth sores, he wasn’t getting sick, and he had incredible energy, amazing color, a healthy appetite, and no leg pain. He was kicking cancer’s ass!
As a result, I began taking phone calls and responding to emails from other cancer moms who were following our story. They desperately wanted to help their child experience similar results during treatment. I can remember getting off of the phone with other cancer moms and just cry! There were so many mixed emotions of heartbreak as the they would share of their precious child’s suffering. It would also stir within me this deep feeling of responsibility…like I had something that I could offer to help and was desperate to do so, but I was unsure of how.
Thus, The KICKcancER Movement was born.
Now, 3.5 years into this journey, I see that our suffering has not been in vain. I see that our tears have been for a purpose. We are called to help educate and empower other cancer families so their own child can THRIVE during conventional cancer treatment and live a long, healthy life.
So, do you know a child affected by cancer? If so, please empower them and spread the word! Let them know that we host a 30 Day Thrive Program, provide KICKstart Kits, sponsor an KICKcancER Athletes Program and host other regular events.
And if interested in helping to share our movement with the world, here’s a couple of things you can do:
- Share on your social media pages.
- Share with your family and friends.
- Exchange a “typical” $25 purchase to make a donation.
- Instead of birthday gifts or wedding gifts, raise awareness and make a donation.
- Make a donation in honor of the cancer fighter in your life.
- Sponsor a fundraiser, golf tournament, bake sale, etc.
- Pray!! Pray that our movement is effective and that we are able to touch as many lives as possible.
KICKcancER is an approved 501c3, so all donations are tax deductible.
Your blog always reminds me to be grateful for my healthy children! At the same time, I’m thankful that due to your personal experience, many parents going through the same arduous and painful disease with their children, can benefit from your experience. A heartfelt thank you! Many blessings.
Marisa F.
Dear Ms Johnson,
Thank you for the wonderful person you are for helping so many people, especially my niece and her precious son, Thomas.
Oh thanks so much for sharing your child’s story! I hate we as mother have this commonality of our children falling ill to cancer but united we stand and can make change happen! So glad to share your movement! I wish there was a movement to STOP mandatory conventional medicine for minors! So saddens me!