Over the past month, I’ve spent hours on the phone and in conversations answering questions, speaking truth, encouraging those who are struggling and providing loads of tips and resources in responses to the environmental crisis happening right now.
We’re definitely in some interesting times!
If there’s anything I could say to YOU face-to-face, it would be this…you have the tools you need, and do not let fear creep in!
I remember that feeling of isolation and loss of control when my son was diagnosed with cancer, and it propelled me into action. I know what it’s like to do hard things, and with the right tools and support…YOU CAN TOO!
So, to get you started or to simply remind you of the things you already know, I’ve put together tips on how you can support your immune system and fight the environmental threats we are currently presented with.
Here are 11 tips:
1. Reduce your sugar intake.
Eating less sugar makes you a really bad host for germs because sugar weakens the immune system substantially. It’s also NOT just white sugar that is problematic because refined carbohydrates are metabolized as sugar. One study even showed that after eating 1 serving of refined carbohydrates, a person’s white blood cell count was compromised for up to 24 hours! Finally, don’t forget about all of the “hidden” names of sugar like these:
- To learn more about eliminating sugar, as well as the forms of sugar that I feel comfortable with having in my pantry, check out this post. And to learn more about High Fructose Corn Syrup, check out this post.
2. Eat more healthy fat.
Did you know that viruses duplicate their DNA on the inside of a cell? So, it’s really important that you support your cell membranes and protect them with healthy fats to help maintain the integrity of your cells, especially when you’re fighting or trying to avoid any sort of threat.
- To learn how to eliminate the unhealthy fats and know which forms of fat I recommend, check out this post.
- Are you afraid of fat? If so, I address some of the fears, explain why low-fat is making you sick and debunk 3 myths about fat in this post.
3. Drink plenty of filtered water every day.
Water is the source of life and the foundation for pretty much everything…what you cook, what you drink, what you bathe in, etc. It’s also critical for transporting important nutrients, improving oxygen delivery and flushing toxins, unwanted germs, bacteria, etc.
As a whole, I recommend you drink half of your body weight in ounces of filtered water a day…without exceeding 100oz. Also, if you’re drinking any diuretics, like coffee, caffeinated teas, sodas, alcohol or fruit juices, I recommend adding an additional 12-16 oz. to your daily intake for every 8oz. of the diuretic beverage.
If you need more ideas on how to flavor your water, read this post.
4. Eat more organic veggies.
Vegetables are a powerful source of vitamins, minerals and life-giving nutrients that support your immune system.
Here are my top recommendations:
- If you can’t purchase 100% organic, at least follow the Clean 15 and Dirty Dozen List.
- Experiment with “new” vegetables, such as collard greens, kale, mustard greens, chard or bok choy.
- If you struggle getting your children to try new vegetables, take them grocery shopping with you and allow them to pick 1-2 new vegetables to try. It’s been my experience that kids are more excited to try new things if they’re a part of the process.
- Always include a healthy fat with your vegetables. It assists in transporting the minerals to the cells of the body.
- Wash your produce with:
- Apple Cider Vinegar – 1/4 cup to a basin of water
- Grapefruit Seed Extract – 5-6 drops to a basin of water
- Lemon Essential Oil – 5-6 drops to a basin of water
5. Move your body daily in fresh air.
Exercise increases your immune system and your mood. Fresh air and sunshine are also necessary for overall health. Here’s even a post about the benefits of physical activity during cancer.
To help, here are some ideas:
- Check out this great list for some ideas on adding fun exercise into your life.
6. Get 8 hours of sleep every night.
Good sleep improves your immune system because it’s the time when your body is able to restore and repair. Studies have also shown that adequate sleep helps to promote T cells, which are responsible for fighting off infection.
Here are some of my favorite sleep support tips:
- Establish a bedtime routine by going to bed the same time every night.
- Finish eating your meals and shut down your electronics 2-3 hours before bedtime.
- Create an environment that encourages sleep: cool, dark and quiet.
- Turn off your Wi-Fi and stop any screen time at least 30 minutes before bed.
7. Improve your bodies’ ability to detox
Your body is always trying to detox. I mean, just look at the fact that your skin, liver, lungs and kidneys were all designed to detox on an ongoing basis! I’ve actually written a lot of information on this very topic because I believe it’s so important for every person and for every health “event” happening in your life.
Check out this post for some helpful information on how to detox.
8. Reduce stress and support your emotional well-being.
A crisis of any sort can add more pressure to your immune system, especially when the things you’re experiencing are unprecedented and unpredictable. So, it’s even more important to proactively take care of your emotional well-being.
I also realize that at this moment, your “options” may feel even more limited. However, let’s think outside of the box. Ask yourself, what are some simple things that you can do right now that are free and within the constraints of the situation?
Here are some I can think of, but feel free to make more suggestions in the comments below!
- Prayer and meditation – I love Head Space and Soul Space.
- Gratitude journaling
- Fresh air – Go for a walk, play tag with your kids, read a book on the back porch.
- Deep breathing – Breathing exercises can make a world of difference!
- Sex – Here’s an article I wrote about this topic.
- Exercise
- Dance – Who cares if you don’t have moves. Crank up that radio and go for it!
9. Drink 8 oz. of bone broth daily.
Here’s an article I wrote about its health benefits, and it also includes my favorite recipe.
10. Clean up your environment.
Did you know that the average home contains between 500-1000 toxic chemicals? Many of which you can’t see or smell but have a negative impact on your health. Studies even show that common household toxins can wreak havoc on your immune system, nervous system and reproductive system. So, now that everyone is staying at home all of the time, this is even more important.
Here are some great places to start:
- Reduce your EMF exposure by turning off the WIFI at night, using a cell phone and computer protector at all times and using airplane mode when not using your devices.
- Use clean natural cleaning products like Branch Basics.
- To learn more ways to clean up your environment, read this article I wrote.
11. Choose at least 3 of these tips to implement this week!
Now…what have you found
to help support yourself during an environmental crisis?
Please share them in the comments below…not only would I love to hear them, but I believe this post and your ideas could be a real source of hope to so many struggling right now.
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Season, my ex boss was just diagnosed with Stage 3 colon cancer. They removed his entire right colon and he will have 6 months of Chemotherapy.
I would like to give him the gift of essential oils while undergoing chemo where can I find your info on this?
Hi Jacqui – I’m so very sorry to hear this new about your boss! There’s a couple of ways you can get essential oils. First, you’re always welcome to just email me directly at info@seasonjohnson.com, and I can send you all of the details. You can also click onto the “EO Shop” at the top of this page, and I list out the directions on how to get started with essential oils. And finally, if you already have a doTERRA Membership and you’re just looking for the essential oils I recommend, I would suggestion looking under the “Cancer” or “Essential Oil” tab in the “Blog” because I list out essential oils I recommend in previous blog posts I’ve written. I hope that helps and many prayers for your boss!