You may be hesitant to read a post about Sabbath rest, possibly even assuming that it’s going to be filled with rules, religiousness and guilt. But actually, I pray you find it’s quite the opposite. In fact, I think that if you truly implement this practice in 2020, you’ll see every aspect of your life benefit and realize it has nothing to do with rules, religion or guilt, but rather everything to do with freedom and spiritual ...
The Truth About Cholesterol + Bacon Egg Cups Recipe
Many people are under the misconception that eating eggs leads to high cholesterol levels in the body. This couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, you couldn't possibly consume the amount of cholesterol in a day that you needed to stay alive. Therefore, your liver actually synthesizes it. That being said, high cholesterol levels in the body are not from cholesterol rich foods. It's due to inflammation from a diet full of grains, ...
Our Adoption Story
March 31st is a day that changed our lives. It’s the day I received an unexpected phone call from my doctor asking, “Are you and Josh still interested in adoption? If so, you may want to sit down for this.” Let me give you a little background... Ever since Josh and I met, we knew that when we were ready to have kids, we would go down the path of adoption. So, about three months before this phone call, we felt God encouraging us to ...
Along the Way: Nathan’s Story of Healing in the Journey
This week’s guest post is very special to me for two reasons. First, Nathan helped to shape both my relationship and my husband’s relationship with Jesus while we were walking through cancer with our son. As you can imagine, we had so many questions, doubts, frustrations and a lot of anger. Our faith had been shaken! Yet, there were so many times while attending the Stirring for church that we felt Jesus had given Nate the EXACT message ...
Pumpkin Pancake Recipe
Hello, my name is Season, and I’m addicted to all things pumpkin. I mean…I’m that girl that at the first sign of September leaves falling heads to the store to buy ALL the pumpkins, starts making ALL the pumpkin things and begins planning our holiday meals around the pumpkin, NOT the turkey! So, to say that I’m addicted to all things pumpkin may…or may not…be an understatement. This recipe, however, may just push you over the edge ...
How to Support Focus and Improve Your Energy Using Essential Oils
Today, I’m finishing up the last of the 3-part series on how you can naturally improve your focus and energy levels. In Part 1, I shared about the importance of nutrition as a solid foundation, and in Part 2, I focused on the best supplements you can use to help build and expand on that foundation. So, let’s put the cherry on the top of this series and focus on essential oils. Now, you guys know I’m a passionate person. I love me ...
How to Support Focus and Improve Your Energy Using Supplements
Is your ability to focus and maintain your energy like the song from Toby Keith..."I'm not as good as I once was'? As you get older, you notice that you feel like the same person, but your body...well, it disagrees. Am I right? I’ve heard variations of this “story” from so many people, which is why I’m writing this 3-part series to give you my best strategies on how you CAN be as good as you one were! Click here to read part 1 about ...