My dear friend and mentor, Pamala, isn’t new around here. In fact, she’s shared on my blog a couple of times, and ever since she brought essential oils into our hospital room the very day that my son was diagnosed with cancer, she’s locked arms with us in our journey to help heal our son.
One of the valuable lessons I learned from her early in Kicker’s diagnosis was the importance of eliminating any food allergies so that his body could truly begin to heal. Kicker went through some of the NAET treatments that she will explain below, which I believe contributed to his thriving.
But fast forward to this past fall…I experienced a massive outbreak in hives. I immediately recognized it as some sort of allergic reaction, and fortunately, we were going to be in Redlands, CA., where Pamala’s office is located. So, after only 2 NAET treatments, my hives began disappearing…and even though I was thankful to not be covered in red bumps, more importantly, I knew that walking through this allergy elimination ensured I was addressing the root cause and wouldn’t trigger further immune complications.
I hope this helps you to understand what’s really going on and why allergies are not something to be ignored or that you’ll simply “grow out of them,” as well as, to help you realize they need to be taken seriously and supported naturally.
(The photo on the left was before any NAET Treatment. The photo on the right was after only 2 treatments.)
What is an allergy?
An allergy is the body’s perception of a harmless substance as harmful. As a result, the immune system overreacts to the harmless substance in an effort to protect the body from damage. The reality is that the peanut or the egg or the dairy it’s reacting to should not harm the body in any way.
Scientists have proven that every substance in the universe has a unique vibrational frequency or signature. When we eat, touch or inhale allergens, the body recognizes the item by the frequency it is emitting. The human body has the ability to identify hundreds of thousands of frequencies.
When the body is exposed to a frequency (let’s say eggs) that’s incorrectly recorded as harmful in the brain, then it will react negatively. The body’s reaction can be as mild as a stomach ache or as severe as anaphylaxis, (which can result in death), all in an effort to protect itself.
This is a pervasion of what could be considered the software of the brain. The brain has a record of all items and substances, and they’re classified in three categories:
- harmful
- beneficial
- neutral
Every time we’re exposed to a substance, the immune system communicates the frequency of the substance to the brain, the brain checks it, and then records that frequency and reports back to the immune system of the safety or danger of that frequency. We can inherit the “software error” or “virus” (aka allergies) of our ancestors. Individuals can also develop allergies from emotional or physical traumas in their lifetime.
Can allergies be a contributing factor to more serious health conditions?
Yes! When allergies are not properly addressed and removed, they can lead to a serious long term health crisis.
Allergies can affect any part of our body. Many people are allergic to hundreds of substances without any knowledge. They have slight or unrecognizable reactions and live for years before realizing that their health concerns stem from allergies.
Allergies can…
- increase blood pressure
- cause difficulty breathing
- cause pain throughout the body, including joints, head, back, legs, and stomach.
- contribute to fatigue, insomnia, migraines, digestive disorders, acid reflux, chronic infection, eating disorders, anxiety, eczema, cough and constipation.
As an autoimmune disorder, allergies can be a gateway to other autoimmune disorders, such as:
- inflammation in the body
- asthma
- eczema
- psoriasis
- diabetes
- connective tissue diseases
- lupus
- arthritis
- celiac disease
- multiple sclerosis
- thyroid disease
- and more!
Most allergy sufferers have been lead to believe their only option is to deal with the symptom of the allergies (i.e. stomach aches, headaches, rashes, hives, runny nose, watery eyes and stuffy nose, etc.) with medication, and they’re not informed or educated on the risks of this option.
However, by only addressing the symptom and avoiding the root cause, the immune system is constantly overreacting to (harmless) stimuli in its environment, and this puts a huge burden on the body. Plus, over time, the immune system becomes tired, weak and inefficient, and it’s no longer able to perform its job effectively.
As a result, allergy symptoms begin to become more pronounced and difficult to resolve. The allergies get worse because the immune system is so weak that it just responds inappropriately to more and more items, which can lead to the susceptibility of other dangerous diseases and disorders.
How can allergies be eliminated?
Millions of individuals worldwide have received help and permanent relief through a technique called, NAET (Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique), which uses a gentle, non-invasive acupressure.
It’s innovative and revolutionary therapy helps to eliminate both allergies and allergy related conditions, including…
- Allergies:
- foods
- drinks
- chemicals
- pollens
- other environmental agents
- Allergic reactions caused by:
- physical agents (i.e. temperatures: heat/cold)
- weather conditions i.e. wind, humidity, clouds, low/high altitude, dampness, dry heat, air conditioning or motion sickness)
NAET Therapy requires a minimum of 15-20 treatments, each taking approximately 30 minutes. However, individuals with severe conditions may require more treatments. NAET can also be performed on individuals of any age from newborn and up. To find an NAET practitioner near you, visit
Pamala Kay Schwarz has a degree in traditional naturopathy and is a Certified Natural Healthcare Practitioner. She is not a medical physician but rather a natural healthcare practitioner. A naturopath utilizes drugless therapies for the purpose of facilitating healing in the human body.
Pamala has spent many years studying the benefits of essential oils in the human body and also received her advanced certification as an NAET practitioner, which is a natural, non-invasive and painless method of allergy elimination. Pamala earned her naturopathic degree from Trinity College of Natural Health. She is also a board certified holistic health practitioner by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners. Pamala is the recipient of the Award of Excellence presented to her by Dr. Devi Nambudripad and The Nambudripad’s Allergy Research Foundation for her contribution toward furthering the cause of allergy elimination. (
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