Most people start off the new year with a goal…to get into better physical shape or to lose some weight.
But let me ask…are you feeling a little apprehensive because you’ve tried dieting and excessive exercise before and you saw little improvement or the improvement was temporary?
I can help!
Losing weight isn’t just about ditching the Oreos and doing 100 burpees.
Yes, it can be helpful, but we must first take a few steps back and make sure that your body is prepared and able to lose weight.
It’s time to take out the trash!
Toxins hide in fat tissue. In fact, your body was created with such a beautiful and intelligent design that it’s set up to save your life ALL DAY LONG…literally.
Every day, we’re exposed to thousands of toxins. Even at birth, the toxins found in the blood from a newborn’s cord range from 55 to 121. So, while the intake of some toxins CAN be controlled (i.e. food, drugs, alcohol, cleaning and body products), the intake of many toxins CANNOT be controlled (i.e. EMF, pollution, pesticides in the air, mold and bacteria). And if those toxins entered and circulated through your body with no place to hide, you would actually become so sick that you would either become bed ridden or die.
However, our Creator set up a system and created a hiding place to protect us from this daily toxic exposure. And even though it’s most likely the least favorite part of your body because of the extra tissue, that hiding place is in your fat tissue.
So, that last crash diet or crazy workout plan didn’t give you what you expected? Or maybe all of your weight loss came right back or you couldn’t lose those last stubborn lbs. because your body wasn’t prepared with the most important step…detox! And once you create a healthy detox protocol, your body will begin releasing the toxins from the fat, and this will allow you to start losing that fat tissue once and for all!
So, what’s a healthy detox protocol?
1. Digestion
First and foremost, you must address digestion!
Not only does your digestive system need to be functioning well so that it can help take in the nutrients that will help you detox, BUT it’s also an important part of the breakdown of toxins. More specifically, you need to increase the pH of your stomach. Here’s an article to learn more about how to do this.
2. Hydration
Secondly, you need to make sure you’re properly hydrated to help push out the toxins. So, be intentional and consume about ½ of your body weight in ounces of filtered water every day! To learn some of my favorite ways to increase your water intake, read this article.
3. Movement
Next, move your body every day for at least 20 minutes to stimulate your blood detox system to start dumping toxins. A few of my favorite ways to move my body are rebounding on a trampoline, going for a jog, skiing, dancing, swimming and riding my bike!
This is going to make your day…
Cellulite will begin to naturally go away once you start detoxing!
Cellulite is simply stagnant fat tissue that’s full of toxins. So, once you follow the above steps and implement a proper detox plan, you’ll notice a drastic improvement in the areas that are cellulite prone.
To help expedite the reduction of cellulite, simply apply 2-3 drops of Slim & Sassy Essential Oil topically with coconut oil on these cellulite prone areas 2x/day AND add 1-2 drops to your water.
So, are you ready?
Do you want to follow a successful, easy-to-implement and affordable detox plan?
I have a suggestion, an opportunity…AND lots of tools for you!
To get started, I recommend purchasing the Cleanse and Restore Kit ($245 + Tax/Shipping – Wholesale Value). Not only does it support detox and will help you start 2019 off on the right foot, but because I want to help support you and your health goals, here’s some additional tools I’m giving when you purchase this kit:
- 30-Day Meal Plan: Grain-free, Dairy-free and Sugar-free ($25 value)
- 30-minute Wellness Consultation over the phone with me ($200 value)
- 30-Day Protocol using the supplements and oils in the kit ($100 value)
- 15 ml Bottle of Slim & Sassy Essential Oil ($33 value)
- 1-year access to 25% off of all doTERRA products ($35 value)
PLUS, here’s a special opportunity…
- You’ll receive access to a 1-week exclusive Live Detox Event on Facebook (January 21th – 25th, 2019). It includes a ton of “hand-holding” with step-by-step protocols, daily instructional videos, educational handouts and cheat sheets, tasty recipes, and ongoing support with regular Facebook Lives. (Priceless value)
Here’s how to get started:
- Click this link.
- Enter your information and follow the remaining prompts.
- When finished, email me your confirmation receipt to so I can get your wellness consultation scheduled and give you access to the private Facebook page.
Please also note…
- If you’re currently a doTERRA Wholesale Customer on my team and would like to participate, go ahead reach out to the person who enrolled you as they will likely be running an event as well. Please know that you’re not eligible to receive the meal plan, wellness consultation or Slim & Sassy.
- If you’re currently a doTERRA Wholesale Customer on a different team, unfortunately, you’ll not be eligible to receive the items above. However, you’re welcome to purchase the Cleanse and Restore Kit through your account and reach out to your doTERRA contact for support on following this protocol!
Please Note: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase using these links, there’s no additional charge to you, and I will receive a small commission from the company. This helps to cover the basic costs of this website and allows me to continue providing you with free content. Thanks so much for your support!
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